User Set-Up and Access

The following guide is for: - Setting up of user groups - Adding additional users - User settings - Resetting a user’s password - Banning a user - Deleting a user

Setting user groups: 

User groups are there so that it can be specified which access rights and capabilities each level of user group/employee level has. This is so that you make sure that users only have access to the areas of the system they need and should have access to (including action points). This can be changed and amended at any time and so can a user’s allocated user group. 

  • Navigate to Settings > Team > User Groups 
  • Choose the user group you wish to edit (a Director’ ‘user will be able to edit all user groups and users except from edit other user set as Directors - see advanced Director privilege setting
  • Click on “Edit”
  • Click on the name of any of the system areas/settings you want to edit 
  • Here you can turn on/off any of the settings/functionality in each category 
  • Work through each of the categories (please be aware that some categories/functionality may not apply to your Kictchen CUT package) 
  • Click “Submit” 


Adding a user: 

With all packages, you have unlimited users 

  • Navigate to Settings > Team > Users 
  • Click “Create User” 
  • User name – we advise that this is set as the user’s real name (e.g. Joe Bloggs) 
  • Name this can be the same as above (Joe Bloggs) 
  • Your email – this is their email address (this can be a private or a work email address) 
  • Address – this is optional 
  • Country – select country from drop down menu 
  • Maximum order limit (per day) this is to set an ordering limit in terms of spend if the user is able to order through the system (this is not essential if you do not want to set order limits) 
  • Member group – this is the user group you want to assign to the specific user 
  • Click “Create” 

Users Settings: 

Apart from the “User Groups” there are some additional user settings which can be edited and adjusted if you have a Kitchen CUT system containing multiple revenue outlets. 

  • Navigate to ‘Users’ 
  • Choose the user you want to edit 
  • Click on “Actions” next to their name 
  • You can Edit within their permissions settings which outlets they can work in within the Kitchen CUT system 
  • You can Edit the user and also change their User Group settings if necessary 

Reset and send a user a new password: 

  • Navigate to ‘Users’ 
  • Choose the user you want to edit 
  • Click on “Actions” next to their name 
  • Click on Reset Password 
  • This will automatically email the user a new password which they will be able to log in with and then change their password to something personal to them 

Banning a user: 

This is to be used when you want to ban a user but not delete them completely 

  • Navigate to ‘Users’ 
  • Choose the user you want to edit 
  • Click on “Actions” next to their name 
  • Click “Ban User” 

User will not be able to have access until the banning of their user account is lifted 

  • To restore a banned user navigate to ‘Users’ 
  • Choose the user you want to edit 
  • Click on “Actions” next to the banned users name 
  • Click “Restore User”

Deleting a User:

This will remove the user from the system and will no longer have any access to your Kitchen CUT site 

  • Navigate to ‘Users’ 
  • Choose the user you want to edit 
  • Click on “Actions” next to their name 
  • Click “Delete User” 


NB:- If you want to reinstate this user you will have to create them again as a new user