How to record waste

This guide shows users how to record waste on Kitchen Cut

Applies to:
This guide is for users wanting to record wastage.

Common causes/issues: 

Kitchen Cut's wastage functionality allows you and the your teams to record and track your wastage, as well as track the stock depletion from wasted items to ensure your stocks are kept accurate.

The Wastage Summary allows you to report on your wastage, and this will group wastage according to your wastage reasons. These 'reasons' can be customised in Settings > Inventory > Wastage Reasons.

Food waste is a global issue but there are many actions businesses can take which will drastically reduce their amount of wastage and save money as a result, and it all starts with tracking the wastage data!



    To record Waste, in the Inventory module, go to Wastage, and choose 'Add new': 

    Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 11.27.15

    You'll then just need to fill in the form to record your waste:

    Name the record, select the Revenue Outlet, and the Inventory Class you want to waste this stock from. This determines the Outlet Inventory Count that this stock will be 'depleted' from.

    You can record waste of Products, Subrecipes, Recipes or Menu Items. Select the Source type, search for the item, select the Reason and choose the Quantity. 

    You can also record the Employee name responsible for the waste and any actions taken, but these are non-mandatory free-text fields.

    Then, just select 'Create & Deplete'. 

    The system will allow you to create the wastage record without 'depleting' as well. Some users prefer to keep one wastage record open throughout a day and continually update it, and then deplete at the end of the day, but this is completely down to personal preference.

    Video Guide:


    Q: Can I get wastage automatically from my EPOS?
    A: This depends on the particular EPOS system you use and whether we have a wastage integration. Kitchen Cut does have a Write Wastage endpoint on our API, so it may be possible for your EPOS provider, or your own IT team to automate posting wastage to Kitchen Cut from EPOS. However, some kitchen waste may not be possible to record on epos - in these cases Kitchen Cut's product and subrecipe wastage options may allow more flexibility.

    Still Need Help? 

    If you still have questions please don't hesitate to contact us by raising a support ticket here or by emailing us at We'll be happy to help!