How to remove recipes

This guide shows how to delete subrecipes and recipes from your Kitchen Cut system

Applies to: 
This guide applies to any system administrators looking to tidy up their database by removing Recipes.

Common Causes/Issues: 
Over time, as you use your Kitchen Cut account and develop your menus or have changing users, you may accumulate some redundant data. This can include old menus, recipes, products, and menu items that are no longer needed. While your account does not restrict the number of records held in your Kitchen Cut system, it can be helpful to remove some of this data to make it easier to navigate and find the records that are still important to you and your users.

Archiving Recipes:
With recipes and subrecipes, it can be better to use the Archive functionality, rather than delete. This way the recipe is retained within the system, and can be later reinstated if you need it. Archiving also removes some of the complexity involved in deleting recipes when they are used or referenced in other recipes or menus (more on this below), so is often a better option.

To archive a recipe or subrecipe go Menu Costing > Recipes (or Subrecipes) and choosing Actions > Archive against your chosen recipe:

When you Archive a recipe or subrecipe, it will simply be moved over to the Archive tab within Menu Costing > Recipes. You can click into this tab to see the recipes you've archived, and can easily unarchive them when needed:

Deleting Recipes:

You can only delete a subrecipe or recipe if it is NOT currently in use anywhere else in the system. This means you cannot delete a subrecipe if its used in a recipes, and you cannot delete a recipe if it's linked to a Menu Item, or is listed in a Menu.

This can make it seem a little tricky to clear out old recipes, but it really isn't. Firstly, its really easy to tell if a recipe is in use already. In Menu Costing > Recipes, an orange line indicator on the bottom edge of the tickbox (see screenshot below) indicates that a recipe is in use and therefore cannot be deleted. If there's no orange line under the tickbox, then the record can be deleted.

You can delete recipes individually by choosing Actions > Delete:

You can also delete recipes in bulk by multi-selecting using the tickbox on the left-hand side, and then choosing 'Delete selected' from the 'do with selected' dropdown at the bottom-right of the page:

Tip: you can select all (including recipes that are currently in use) and then choose delete, and only those which are not in use will actually be deleted. If you change the page view to show 500 items, and select all and delete then this would be the quickest way to bulk-delete non-used recipes.

When managing a clear-out of subrecipes, recipes, menus and menu items, it can be beneficial to start from the most complex level. Delete unused Menu Items and Menus first, then recipes, then subrecipes, and finally products. This will mean that you're less likely to encounter records that are in use elsewhere, and therefore can't be deleted, as you work through the system. 

If you can't delete an item because its in use, then find the record it's used in, and remove it from this, or delete this record first.

Video Walkthrough:



Q: I don't have the option to delete when click on Actions against a recipe?
A: You are either in the wrong location level to be able to delete this item, or you do not have permission to delete recipes. Depending on your user access, you may be able to move to the correct location to be able to remove the product (this is displayed directly underneath the recipe name). If not, then contact your system administrator who will be able to remove the recipe.

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