How to add or edit allergen information manually

This article shows you how to export a list of products to make amendments to the allergen information, before re-importing to update the allergen information in Kitchen CUT.

1. Updating allergen info against individual products

It's first worth noting that if you need to edit the allergen information for an individual product, this can be done directly in Kitchen CUT by editing the product. This is quickest option, however, if you need to edit multiple products, or review an entire supplier list, skip to section 2. 

Just go to Ordering > Products, find your ingredient, and select Actions > Edit.

Then you'll see the below screen, where you can use the allergens drop-down to select which allergens are present in this ingredient. 

You will notice the options in the example below shows 'contains' or 'may contain'. Click once on a tick box for 'contains', and then a second time for 'may contain'. Click a third time to remove  the allergen. 

Once done, just be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'Update'. 


2. Updating allergen information in bulk

To work through updating allergen info for large lists of products, it's quickest to work outside of  Kitchen CUT. Using the Export/Import functions we can extract the product data into an xls/csv file, make the necessary amendments, then re-import to update the information in your Kitchen CUT system. 


First, you need to Export the products (or list of products) you wish to amend. To do this go to Ordering > Products > Export. Then use the filters to select the products to be exported.

You can choose by Supplier, Category and Class. The product count at the bottom will show you how  much data you are about to export. In the example below, that is 58 products (which is how many  products are categorised as 'Drinks' in this system. Export as the filetype that best suits you - in most cases this is likely to be xls. 

Then, click Export. Your device will now download the export file.

Edit your file
Next, find and open the exported file. This will likely have stored in a 'downloads' folder.  When  opened, it looks like the screenshot below - you'll notice the top row corresponds with the product field available when you edit a product directly in Kitchen CUT (step 1).

Each subsequent row represents an individual product, including all its details (name, code,  supplier, category, price, unit size, unit type, secondary units, and so on). 

To input allergens we are going to focus on the last 14 indicated columns on the right - these are  where we can signify whether an allergen is present in each ingredient (or row). 

If blank, the system understands that the allergen in not present (as above).

To indicate that the allergen is present, enter a "Y" in the corresponding cell. For example, in the below screenshot it has been indicated that the product in the top row contains Celery and Eggs. 

To indicate that the allergen may be present (ie. to apply the 'may contain' label), enter a "M" in the corresponding cell. For example, in the below screenshot it has been indicated that the second product may contain Gluten and Crustaceans. 

To indicate a specific type of allergen (or Sub-Allergen as they are referred to in Kitchen CUT), enter the relevant 'Y' or 'M' indicator, followed by comma and then the sub-allergen. In the below example, it has now been indicated that the second product may contain gluten, specifically from Rye. 

Please note, when indicating sub-allergens you can select strings of as many sub-allergens as required. For example in the below screenshot, it has been indicated that the second product contains Gluten, definitely from Barley, and may contain Spelt, Rye, and Wheat as well. 


Once you have been through your product list and added in all the relevant allergen details against all products, you can re-import the list to update the products in Kitchen CUT. Just save your amended file, then go back to Kitchen CUT, and go to Ordering > Products > Import. Select 'New product import'.

Then, on the next page (below), click browse to find your updated xls file, or drag and drop. You will only need to select the drop-down defaults if any of this information is missing from your import file, otherwise just go ahead and click 'Import'. 

When you click Import, you will then see the import summary screen again, displaying your import - this will highlight any errors you have made (ie. if the imported file is missing essential information).
Please note, your import is not yet complete. Click 'View'. 

When you click view you will see the detail of  your import, where you can make sure the system has interpreted your imported data correctly. Here you can manually check and edit individual item lines by selecting 'Edit' on the right hand side. 

When you are happy that your import has worked correctly, you can select 'Confirm all possible products' at the bottom of the page. This will make any changes live in your system. Any products  that cannot be confirmed will remain on this page and can be edited as required to remove any Errors before also being confirmed. 

Your changes are now complete. You will see any updated allergen information detailed against the product as below:

Product appears in product list with allergen labels beneath name.

If you hover over the allergen label you will see allergen detail including sub-allergens.

If you edit a product you will see the updated allergens populated in the tick-box.