A step by step guide on getting started with the Supplier Gateway for Customer Pricing
1. Accessing the Supplier gateway
You should receive an email from the Gateway with an auto login link. This link will take you to the main dashboard in the Supplier Gateway.
2. Navigation Panel
Having familiarised yourself with the system layout and navigation panel, you’ll be able to upload your file by following the guidelines below.
3. Catalogue
Your ‘Catalogue’ will log all profiles of all the different products you supply across your customer base, including all different price variants. The Catalogue is the list of all items you supply. You can select from this to submit particular items to particular customers.
The guide below will show you how to import a new product price list to the system and send through to a customer. Once done this will also log all items to your catalogue for future reference.
Step by Step: Uploading a new catalogue file
1) From the Navigation Panel choose ‘CATALOGUE’ and click on the ‘Imports’ box. See How to upload products to your Gateway catalogue for more info
2) Next, click ‘Product import’ on the right-hand side
3) You are now on the Easy Import Wizard. If you already have a formatted and up-to- date import file, click Browse and select this file. Once selected you will automatically progress to Step 2 of the Import Wizard.
4) As your original file has already been formatted all you need to do at Step 2 is ensure the Gateway import process is ticked and click Next.
5) On the next page Step 3, again select Next. As the file was already correctly formatted, nothing needs to be done here.
6) At Step 4 again select Next. This page is for advanced imports which again are not relevant as you already have a correctly formatted file.
7) At Step 5 click on the Import button
8) The next page will list all products that you are importing. Here, any errors will be flagged and can then be corrected by clicking confirm, and adjusting as required
9) Once all errors have been corrected, click on Imports again. Now you’ll see a summary record of your import as below. Click Actions > Send to Customer
10) You will then see the box below, where you can name this new price list, select which customers you wish to send it to, and the valid dates for these prices.

11) When you select Create new Price List, you will then see the following page. Note that you are now in the Price Lists section of the system. This page is a final chance to review the prices before you click ‘Send to Customers’
Step by Step: Reviewing an existing formatted file
1) To view this file from the Navigation Panel, select CUSTOMERS and then View
2) From the list of customers displayed, choose the customers price file to be reviewed
3) Using the Actions drop down menu choose Export Products to XLS
4) Check the file to ensure the data is correct. Edit where necessary, but please follow
the same format. A separate user guide has been attached to assist with this
Step by Step: Adding New Users
Should you wish to add any users, you can do this very easily using the following steps.
1) In the Navigation Panel select SETTINGS and then Users
2) From the Users List click the Create User button
3) Simply fill out all fields for the new user then for Member Group select Executive. Finally, click the Create Button.
4) The new user will receive an email providing a link to access the system.
5) You will then need to assign them as a user to the clients they represent. To do
this select Customers – View – Actions – Assign user.
Step by Step: Completing Company Information
Please take the time to complete your company information so our mutual customers can contact you.
1) From the Navigation Panel choose SETTINGS and when the menu expands, select Business.
2) You will need to navigate to the Locations tab in order to update your company information
3) On the Locations tab, click on the Actions button to the right of each location shown and the select Edit to enter your information. You can then scroll down the list of details and update accordingly
What to do when the client declines products
When the clients review price files, they may choose to decline certain products. When they do this, you will receive an email showing the products they have declined, along with their suggested pricing. An example is shown below:

You can then log back into the Gateway where, if necessary, you can amend these products. Once amended they can be sent back to the client for approval.