You can easily amend the above settings to be specific for each customer you have linked up in the Gateway
1. Log in to your Supplier Gateway and navigate to Customers > View on the left.
2. Hit “Actions” button on the right side and “Edit” for customer you wish to change settings for.

3. Ensure the “Orders” box is checked on the left, then uncheck “Use default settings” box on the right.

4. You will now see the customisable settings appear lower down the page.
5. Min. order value will use the currency set up on your account so no need for currency signs. Leaving this box blank will register as no minimum order value, the same as entering 0.
6. Last orders accepted are in increments of 15 minutes. Leaving this blank will not apply a last order time for the customer.
7. For Non-Delivery Days just check the boxes you are NOT able to deliver to your customer. Leaving this unchecked will mean you CAN deliver on that day.
8. Hit the green “Save changes” button at the bottom.