Editing / Adding Business Information

This guide will show you how to add and edit your system business information. If you are unsure on any of this please do contact our support team at

Step-by-step guide 

 Navigate to: 

  • > Settings 
  • > Business 


  • Company name - This can be changed and will appear at the top of every system page 
  • Nutritional label - There is a UK and a USA label that vary due to different legislation, please select the one appropriate to your business 
  • Fiscal Year This is where you specific your financial trading year end 
  • Time zone This is the time zone that you want the system to operate in 
  • Date format This is how you want the date to read 
  • Time format This is how you want the time format to read (e.g. 12 hour/24 hour, hours – minutes – seconds etc) 
  • Currency Select the desired currency 
  • TAX/VAT/TAX% - This is the rate of tax you operate with (in the US, because the tax is added on to the bill and not on to the customer menus you would set the tax to zero) 
  • Wastage - This is the % wastage calculation applied to all sub recipes and recipes to ensure this element of production is incorporated into your recipe costings and captured within your selling costs 
  • Critical Control - This can be edited to suit company and/or country or regional specifications and will appear on every sub recipe and recipe 
  • Logo - You can select your own company logo as a PDF 


  • These would be set up by the team at the Kitchen CUT office and will allow you to navigate quickly and easily between each site/restaurant location by clicking on their URL 

Revenue Outlets 

Here revenue outlets can be added / edited and individual Food / beverage and consumables costs can be added 


Cost of sales 

This is the system Default Cost of sales %’s that if not revenue outlets are added with their own COS% this will work from these figures. 



All of the above can be edited, but please ensure that this has been agreed by business owner and key operators.