This is a guide to troubleshooting login issues
If you're trying to Login to your Kitchen Cut account, but can't gain access then there's a few things you can check yourself before you get in touch with KC Support.
Check the login URL and credentials:
You can check you are using the correct details by finding the original Welcome email you received when you were first given access to Kitchen Cut. This would come from and the subject would be "Welcome to Kitchen CUT". This will tell you the correct username, password and login URL to be using:
The first thing to check is that you are using the correct username. Note this may be different to your email address. To check this, find the original automated welcome email you received when your user profile was created. This would be from and Subject would be 'Welcome to Kitchen CUT', and will look something like the image below. Note, the "Your Login" field, this would be the username you use on login.
Also check you are trying to login at the correct URL. Kitchen Cut accounts can have a hierarchy of login 'locations' each with different URLs. If you have user access to specific outlets then you need to login to the specific location URL that your outlet(s) belong to. You can find this in the Welcome email too, or ask your system admin.
Reset your password:
If you're still having trouble logging in after confirming you are using the correct Username and Login URL, you may want to try resetting your password. User the 'Forgot your password' option on the login page. You can find a guide for the password reset options here:
If you're still having trouble, contact support here: and let us know that you've checked the above steps and you're still having difficulty logging in.