Adding A New Supplier List To The System

In this guide it will cover: 1) How to set up a supplier list 2) How to import a supplier list

  • Go to “Menu costing”/ “Products”/ “Import”

  • Click on “New Product Import"



  • You can use “Download Product Import Template” or look at “Download Sample Product List” 


In Empty Template, you need to fill out the following. 

Please see XLS “product import sample: 

  • Ingredient name - Name of the ingredient supplied from supplier 
  • Ingredient code - Supplier code supplied by supplier 
  • Supplier name - The name of the supplier 
  • Ingredient category e.g. Fruit & Veg/ Dairy/Meat/Fish & Seafood etc 
  • Ingredient sub-category (optional)e.g. Salad/Poultry/Shellfish etc 
  • Ingredient cost - What the agreed price is (important: do not add currency just numbers) 
  • Unit size - Size of unit related to cost (e.g. £5.50 for a 6kg box you need to enter 6 here) 
  • Ingredient unit Using the above example, you would need to enter in ‘kg’ here 
  • Ingredient net weight - Rarely used – used only for any drained weight adjustments e.g. a tin of tuna or a tin of beans etc 
  • Ingredient additional size Using the above mentioned example you would enter 1 here (so the full item would read as £5.50 for 1x 6kg box) 
  • Ingredient additional unit Using the above example this is ‘box’ 
  • Ingredient pack size unit This will automatically populate if you add in additional size (above), but you can enter yourself if desired. See notes/examples on “product import example with notes” 
  • Ingredient pack size info This will automatically populate if you add in additional size (above), but you can enter yourself if desired. 
  • Ingredient split pack - This is to be used if the supplier allows you to split the pack of the product e.g. 1x 6k box can be split into 2x 3kg boxes - if not filled in the system will automatically default to a ‘yes’ in this column, so if splitting packs is not possible you need to put an “N” in this column 
  • Ingredient tax value - This is to be populated by yourself if there is any additional tax to be added to this product 
  • Allergens Enter ‘Y’ only when the allergen is present, any allergens not present please leave the column blank 


Once this is complete and saved you are ready to import 

  • Go to “Menu Costing”/“Products”/“Import” 


  • Click on “New Product Import” 





Once at the above screen: 

  • Click on “Select an Import Template Type” and choose “Standard Import” 
  • Ignore selecting a category 
  • Ignore selecting a supplier, this will be automatically populated using the supplier information you have entered into the supplier product/price list 
  • Click on “Select an Inventory Class” and select the appropriate class category e.g. Food/ Beverage/Consumables (if a mix of inventory classes are present in your supplier product/price list, the system will take this information from your import and auto-populate if you have entered this information) 
  • Click “Browse” and add your saved template 
  • Click Import 

NB: if there are any errors you can adjust your supplier list/template and reimport and then delete the previously imported and incorrect one, or adjust errors on “View Log” 

If no errors: 

  • Click on View 


  • Tick the box next to name to select all products 
  • Once all products are ticked, click on “Confirm all products” 



  • Then click confirm 




All products will now be sitting within your system! 

Repeat above process for each supplier. 

NB: The system works on matching both the “Ingredient code” and “Supplier name”. Please ensure when editing/re-importing/adding to your supplier sheet, you do NOT edit the ingredient code or supplier name in any way.